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搞怪回旋镖 - CataGugl [iPhone]

更新时间:2014-12-17 14:27:08    浏览次数:574+次



The new Olympic sport comes in your pocket: flex your finger and fly Gugl to the clouds!

Also enjoy Gugl in his famous game: Smack that Gugl, hours of crazyness and fun!

Gugl loves to get high in the sky so he started a new career as a rocket and wants you to throw him like crazy.
Grab him, take some momentum and throw him as far as you can.
Go through clouds to fill him up with air and gain extra speed as you deflate him; aim for the red bumpers to rebound even more.
Challenge your friends or compete for the world record: three, two, one, go… and get silly!


iPhone 屏幕截图 1

