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[下载] Google Chrome v97.0.4692.71 正式版

更新时间:2022-01-07 17:11:58    浏览次数:524+次

谷歌浏览器Google Chrome正式版迎来v97首个版本发布,详细版本号为v97.0.4692.71,上一个正式版v96.0.4664.110发布于12月14日,时隔22天Google又发布了新版Chrome浏览器,本次升级主要是更新了安全修复和稳定性改进及用户体验。


Chrome v97.0.4692.71 正式版(2022-01-05)

谷歌浏览器v97正式版主要更新,引入了WebTransport API,WebTransport是一个类似于WebRTC数据通道的协议框架,但主要是用于受网络安全模型限制的客户端,使用安全、多复式传输与远程服务器进行通信。WebTransport使用HTTP/3协议进行双向传输。与基于TCP的WebSockets不同,WebTransport依赖于类似UDP的数据包和可取消的流。WebTransport目前处于W3C的工作草案状态。Chrome 97还增加了用于HDR显示检测的 CSS媒体查询、新的JavaScript方法、更多的本地网络应用支持等。

谷歌浏览器v96正式版主要更新,允许用户在Experiments页面中通过启用指定实验flag,可以在用户界面上启用Windows 11风格的右键菜单。更具体地说,Google增加了一个新的Windows 11风格菜单标志,允许浏览器“尽可能使用Windows 11风格的菜单”,因此与系统的其他界面保持一致。默认情况下,这个标志仍然是禁用的,很可能是因为Google一直在努力完善它,所以预计在即将到来的更新中会有这方面的额外消息。其他还增加了一些次要的开发者功能,一些用户改进,如桌面上的后向缓存,以及问题修复和安全维护工作。

[下载] Google Chrome v97.0.4692.71 正式版图片

谷歌浏览器v95正式版主要更新,保存标签组功能在桌面网络浏览器中正成为一种趋势,在你关闭Chrome时不必担心丢失和不得不重新创建,因为一个简单的切换将让你保存这些组以便将来使用。Chrome 95开始强制执行的cookie大小限制、以及取消对FTP文件传输协议的支持,cookie的名称+值的大小严格限制为最大4096字节,每个属性的长度最多为1024字节,超长部分将被彻底拒绝。Chrome 95增强了用户代理(UA)的客户端提示,以迎合不同Windows版本的检测。Chrome 95还取消了对FTP文件传输协议的支持。细心的用户应该发现,Chrome已不支持FTPS等加密型FTP连接,也缺乏相应的代理支持。



Chrome v97.0.4692.71,此更新包括37个安全修复程序。

[$TBD][1275020] Critical CVE-2022-0096: Use after free in Storage. Reported by Yangkang (@dnpushme) of 360 ATA on 2021-11-30
[$10000][1117173] High CVE-2022-0097: Inappropriate implementation in DevTools. Reported by David Erceg on 2020-08-17
[$10000][1273609] High CVE-2022-0098: Use after free in Screen Capture. Reported by @ginggilBesel on 2021-11-24
[$5000][1245629] High CVE-2022-0099: Use after free in Sign-in. Reported by Rox on 2021-09-01
[$TBD][1238209] High CVE-2022-0100: Heap buffer overflow in Media streams API. Reported by Cassidy Kim of Amber Security Lab, OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. on 2021-08-10
[$TBD][1249426] High CVE-2022-0101: Heap buffer overflow in Bookmarks. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) on 2021-09-14
[$TBD][1260129] High CVE-2022-0102: Type Confusion in V8 . Reported by Brendon Tiszka on 2021-10-14
[$TBD][1272266] High CVE-2022-0103: Use after free in SwiftShader. Reported by Abraruddin Khan and Omair on 2021-11-21
[$TBD][1273661] High CVE-2022-0104: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE. Reported by Abraruddin Khan and Omair on 2021-11-25
[$TBD][1274376] High CVE-2022-0105: Use after free in PDF. Reported by Cassidy Kim of Amber Security Lab, OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. on 2021-11-28
[$TBD][1278960] High CVE-2022-0106: Use after free in Autofill. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2021-12-10
[$10000][1248438] Medium CVE-2022-0107: Use after free in File Manager API. Reported by raven (@raid_akame) on 2021-09-10
[$5000][1248444] Medium CVE-2022-0108: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) on 2021-09-10
[$4000][1261689] Medium CVE-2022-0109: Inappropriate implementation in Autofill. Reported by Young Min Kim (@ylemkimon), CompSec Lab at Seoul National University on 2021-10-20
[$3000][1237310] Medium CVE-2022-0110: Incorrect security UI in Autofill. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz on 2021-08-06
[$3000][1241188] Medium CVE-2022-0111: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation. Reported by garygreen on 2021-08-18
[$3000][1255713] Medium CVE-2022-0112: Incorrect security UI in Browser UI. Reported by Thomas Orlita on 2021-10-04
[$1000][1039885] Medium CVE-2022-0113: Inappropriate implementation in Blink. Reported by Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) on 2020-01-07
[$TBD][1267627] Medium CVE-2022-0114: Out of bounds memory access in Web Serial. Reported by Looben Yang on 2021-11-06
[$NA][1268903] Medium CVE-2022-0115: Uninitialized Use in File API. Reported by Mark Brand of Google Project Zero on 2021-11-10
[$TBD][1272250] Medium CVE-2022-0116: Inappropriate implementation in Compositing. Reported by Irvan Kurniawan (sourc7) on 2021-11-20
[$TBD][1115847] Low CVE-2022-0117: Policy bypass in Service Workers. Reported by Dongsung Kim (@kid1ng) on 2020-08-13
[$TBD][1238631] Low CVE-2022-0118: Inappropriate implementation in WebShare. Reported by Alesandro Ortiz on 2021-08-11
[$TBD][1262953] Low CVE-2022-0120: Inappropriate implementation in Passwords. Reported by CHAKRAVARTHI (Ruler96) on 2021-10-25
[1284397] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives


Google Chrome v97.0.4692.71 64位正式版

Google Chrome v97.0.4692.71 32位正式版
